Painlessly improve the appearance of sagging skin
SkinTyte offers fast, safe and effective treatments tailored for all skin types, making it one of the most cost-effective treatments for sagging skin. There is no down time from the treatment and you can return to your regular activities immediately following treatment.
Safe and optimised for all skin types, SkinTyte can predictably, effectively, and comfortably treat any area of the body where improvement is desired, giving patients a firmer, more youthful appearance including stomach, arm, around the knee, neck, chin, and face.
How does it work?
SkinTyte utilises advanced infrared light technology to deeply heat dermal collagen through different filters selected for different skin condition and treatment area, while continuously protecting the treated epidermis with sapphire contact cooling for safety and comfort.
Patients do not need a topical anesthetic during the treatment, only cooling gel to protect the skin. SkinTyte delivers the energy in rapid, gentle pulses to promote contraction and partial coagulation of the collagen, initiating the body’s natural healing process, leading to the appearance of firmer tissue.
Frequently Asked Question about SkinTyte Treatment
How long before I can see the result of SkinTyte treatment?
SkinTyte results are best when done in a series of 5 treatments performed over 3 - 4 weeks intervals. Patients will start to see visible results after the second or third treatment while the full extent of the skin improvement may take up to four months to be visible.
Is SkinTyte the right choice for me?
SkinTyte is suitable for patients who are expecting moderate and noticeable skin tightening without surgery. During a consultation, our specialist aesthetic doctor will evaluate your condition and your expectation and will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you. If the condition of the skin is quite extreme, in some case surgery is the best option. Do contact us for an appointment to evaluate your condition.
do i need a recovery time?
SkinTyte is non-invasive and very gentle treatment, hence there will be no down time. It is also not necessary to take special care of the skin around the treatment area. The skin maybe slightly red after the treatment but will disappear after 20 - 30 minutes. Patients can simply apply make up and go back to their days directly after the treatment.
However, the treatment area should not be exposed to direct sunlight and general application of sunscreen is recommended.
The cost of treatment depends on the area to be treated and the number of treatments required. Please contact us for a private consultation to design a treatment plan with our specialist doctor.